I was supposed to get 4000 bonus points on first transaction above 1000 on IDFC select debit card appplicable after 14 july 2023. I did a transaction on 15th July and have not got bonus rewards. Any idea by when we will get these extra points.
I was supposed to get 4000 bonus points on first transaction above 1000 on IDFC select debit card appplicable after 14 july 2023. I did a transaction on 15th July and have not got bonus rewards. Any idea by when we will get these extra points.
No account is 2-3 years old and recently upgraded to wealth so received dc with welcome letter and it was the first txn for the debit card (did zero DC txn before upgrade)
This rewards program is badly implemented. Abuse is going to be severe. Soon we can expect lot of restrictions. The reward rate is not sustainable for the kind of transactions we do.
Is there a way to transfer using debit card?( Could find visa money transfer/visa direct etc), where we qualify for rewards points while transferring to another account.
I was thinking fi.money, but for some reasons I ma unable to create fi account