Do you have a salary acc with HDFC?? Did you fill out the account number info while filling up the form for upgrade request in the 'I have a salary acc with HDFC' field?
Did you mention your salary acc number in the form where it's mentioned salary acc with HDFC Bank while filling the form ou you just kept those fields blank??
Sry to know that.. wanted to ask on which mail id u sent a mail earlier?? Was it a grievance one?? I have also received a date on my email.. Also do you have ne relationship with bank.. like preferred or imperia??
Today I sent a mail to upgrade my card without any attachments as I meet the spend and limit criteria. I got the below response;
Thank you for writing to us.
This is with reference to your e-mail regarding card upgrade.
Thank you for your interest in upgrading your credit card account!
Did they ask you guys to submit 3 mnths salary slip as well as bank a/c atatement? They are saying they can only raise a request of Card Product Upgrade - with Limit Enhancement..