On telegram people are selling it for 200 rs for a year. Last year had stacked it for two years already
Rupay Select DC. 1 year free. Time to time some people offer it here at 600. My guess is U may get it at below 500 in RML.
@_na_cheese have a look ... https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/rupay-select-debit-card-portfolio.36290/ And, https://www.technofino.in/community...select-debit-card-issuing-bank-charges.10134/ @senior mods, sorry, for the diversion.
@vaibhav111 Never knew that sonyliv voucher is only renewed, if spend criteria is matched. I applied myzone only in april so I am not certain. We should ask @SSV then 🙂
@Beyond yeah i'm sure you get sony on spend on 1/2L something it isn't free cause it LTF card so most used this card for swiggy 40% discount