Yes I called Customer Care they're saying received for Feb although made 1.2L txn so would've received 12k and they're saying contact iShop for pending reward points not received.
But if I haven't done any other txns then how could it be for something else. Someone else also got ig. Anyways I'll see with customer care if they can figure out.
Anyone redeemed 10K EMT GV from Timesblack? Just wanted to know if they have any tnc or can use on any hotel...
Anyone interested in buying?
I have
Tony & Guy 3k
EMT Hotel 10k
Ishop spend. Bought GV. Total spend was 120k out of which 90k was Ishop of feb that wasn't claimed by merchant and 30k was March Ishop. So total for 30k txn I got base 600+3000 accelerated. This is my guess because there's noway they credit 3k additional for any other reason....
I've received 5401 Points from that 1.2L was based Ishop spends so 1.2L*2% = 2400 and 30k was Ishop spend this month so 3000+2400 = 5400+1 some small spend was there.