Looking to book a couple award flights via JAL and I've transferred my ER from axis burgundy Magnus to JAL a couple days ago. How long does it usually take for this transfer? Looking to get some data points
I'm unable to join JAL since I have only Given Name in passport (which has my surname as well).
It is asking me to put it exactly as it is on my passport.
Should I put them in separately anyway? Did anyone face this issue?
Hi I just got my JAL card and logged in to check how many miles needed for a round trip for two people. Have you guys booked any flight using airmiles? Since I have not made the transfer of my edge points to JAL, it won't let me go to the next step. Do I need only 70000 airmiles? Or do I need...
Hello Guys!!
Thinking of Booking a full trip with Points in the last week of sept. Any ideas ???
MAX Points can be Used =3L Points ( Ready for Transfer from HDFC or AXIS) For Hotel, Flight Booking.. For Tours/Experience would be using Traveledge or Klook.
Total of People : 2 Adults, 1 Child