If you could only have 5 credit cards with you and no more - which would be your 5 credit cards? Would be great if you could also mention the reasons. Of course these will be based on your personal usage, preferences, spends etc., but would be fun to know. Idea is to see if we can create a holistic portfolio of credit cards in a way that they cover all aspects of our spends and lifestyle, thus each card complementing the other 4. What are those 5 cards as of today (as the combination may keep changing with new cards coming up, devaluation in existing cards etc.).
I am so looking forward to hear from members here. Would especially be fun to hear from those who have numerous credit cards and to see how they manage to narrow it down to 5 😛 .
I am so looking forward to hear from members here. Would especially be fun to hear from those who have numerous credit cards and to see how they manage to narrow it down to 5 😛 .