Some update based on my own experience.
I have opened two 811 Super ac in last 7 days.
I am a new to bank type of customer. Earlier about 2 year ago had applied for one cc but was instantly rejected then.
Now, 7 days ago, based on experiences shared in this forum and also after little research in google, I have applied directly for 811 Super for myself through the webpage. Initially I had to fill very basic info like name, mobile no, pincode etc. Then it show "thank you for your interest, a field officer will visit your place for onboarding" or something like that. After about one hour one person called me and asked me about my availability for the kyc. After an affirmative response from my side he immediately came to my office and filled all details by himself after taking biometric. He didn't even verified my pan and aadhar though I was ready with them. Though, their was some typo error in his feeding which I discovered very late. I paid him the initial deposit Rs. 5000/- through UPI. Account was issued instantly and I was able to login after about 1.5 hour.
After some discussion he revealed that he won't get much for this because I had applied through online. If I want someone to enroll then to contact him directly. He infact called me the next day for this as I have shown some interest to open my wife's 811 Super ac as well. To keep his faith and my words I called him a day after he visited to my home and opened the 2nd account (Wife's). To open this ac customer don't have to provide local address proof. An aadhar and pan is enough. After enquiring about possibility of joint account he informed that for this variant joint account is not possible at the moment.
We both have received check after 3-4 days and received the physical dc 5/6 days after ac opening. Virtual DC was visible one/two day after dispatch but one/two day before delivery. The process was very smooth for NTB customers. Hopefully it will continue the benifits it offered for a reasonable duration.
I hope my experience may help others who are NTB and are in hesitation.
This account essentially offering 5-6k free money per ac per year. Though strategically thinking is necessary to attract left behind good customers. My wife for example have shifted a good chunk in this ac due to their two-way sweep facility.