I received axis Ace today and after activating it for transactions, I am trying to pay 10k electricity bill through gpay but it is showing transaction limit exceed. Is there a limit of first day or is there a way to fix this ?
I received axis Ace today and after activating it for transactions, I am trying to pay 10k electricity bill through gpay but it is showing transaction limit exceed. Is there a limit of first day or is there a way to fix this ?
I received axis Ace today and after activating it for transactions, I am trying to pay 10k electricity bill through gpay but it is showing transaction limit exceed. Is there a limit of first day or is there a way to fix this ?
I received axis Ace today and after activating it for transactions, I am trying to pay 10k electricity bill through gpay but it is showing transaction limit exceed. Is there a limit of first day or is there a way to fix this ?
They dont want to give cashback of 5%. So, they play these kind of tricks.
Happened to me as well, low bills can be paid but anything above 10K not able to pay via ACE on GPay.
To solve this issue, don't do first transaction on gpay, make any transactions on any other websites then come back to gpay after 1-2 days, it will start working