Terms and Conditions:
- The offer is valid for DCB Visa Niyo co-branded Debit Card only.
- Offer will be given to only eligible card holders.¹
- Existing, new, reissued and renewed cards are eligible for the offer communicated by the Bank.
- At least two (2) successful PoS or online / e-commerce Debit Card payments of INR 1,000 (or above) should be done during the offer period 1st January, 2025 to 20th January, 2025.
- Eligible customers will get unique membership ID via SMS / email to avail bundled offers.
- Membership ID is a unique code which will be communicated to the eligible card holder only.
- The eligible card holder will have to logon https://marketplace.thriwe.com/ using mobile number and unique membership ID shared by the Bank.
- Offer is valid from 1st January, 2025 to 20th January, 2025.
- After logging in using unique membership ID, the card holder should avail the offer within three (3) months after clicking on "Redeem" or the final validity date (whichever is earlier).
- DCB Bank does not force / endorse any specific brand / service / offer / benefit. It is the choice of the end user.
- The offers are subject to change / withdraw without any prior notice.
- Terms and conditions apply.
- Customer should have performed successful and valid transaction using DCB Visa Niyo co-branded debit card only.
- Customer should have performed a successful payment of Point of Sale ("PoS") or online / e-commerce transaction during the eligibility period.