Billing Dates. Yes, same dates for all 3 credit cards - 1st or 2nd of every month.
Reason for Opting for 1st/2nd of Each Month as Billing Date.
I opted for choosing 1st or 2nd of every month as the billing date with my own rationale and preferences.
* It aligns with the monthly expenditure cycle, making it easier to track the monthly expenses - through credit cards or otherwise.
* Also, it precludes any confusion regarding accruing and/or cappings of Reward Points (RPs) - whether they are based on calendar month or billing cycle, as if the billing date is on 1st or 2nd of every month then the billing cycle and the calendar month are aligned.
* Since the salary has already been credited at the end of the prior month, so, by 1st or 2nd I am exactly aware of all my impending credit card payments for that month. Therefore, I can monitor and temper my expenditure for that month accordingly.
Feel Good Factor
Also, I avoid any major expenditure on 1st and 2nd of every month, so that I can "see" some money in the bank account before the expenditure ball starts rolling wef 3rd of every month. This generates a feel-good psychological factor, albeit short-lived.