Direct Payment:
Direct Discount: Pay 65,147 in next statement.. Overall savings 6000 = 8.43%
No hidden maths, extra calculation etc. Just pay 65,147. That's it in next statement (which is within 45 days).
On paper, you saved 44 when compared to direct discount + you no need to pay next month, can be pay in parts to next 6 months..
this is your rough breakup that you pay every month (might vary slightly for exact calculalation)..
So, Processing Fee = 199 (+GST) = 236
Interest = 2932 (+GST) = 3460
total paid = 65103 +236 + 3460 = 68,799 (-3652 when compared to direct discount = -5%)
Yep, bank can offer you exclusive discounts on EMI.. they won't loose much. (one way or another they'll benefit otherwise they'll bankrupt).