See real problem happens when your application is rejected. Also, another problem is there are two type of inquiries, one is done by bank bot/algo other one is done by verifying authority. Bot will just launch inquiry which will be for amount like 1k,10k or sometimes something in between. Those might not affect your CIBIL that much if you have 2-3 rejected inquiries in a single month. But the hard verification ones can be very damaging. Effects increase when there is data discrepancy, like address, phone number, working/profession details etc. And it can very easily happen if you apply for multiple products across multiple banks.
Credit score is not a straightforward calculation, don't worry too much about it but don't do obvious mistakes. Also, for pre-approved offers some banks do CIBIL inquiry, for example I had pre-approved limit offer on my priority account but not credit card offer (Strange I know), but when the sales people called me they did not clarify difference, and since I didn't know either I said yes, my application was rejected for different reasons but there were 3 different inquiries in that month for axis card since the representative kept calling and asking me to apply.
Funny thing is when I got upgrade offer on my existing card they did not even call me second time, I got the card in mere 2 days. 🤣
See the difference? Don't take things for granted, banks always do as per their convenience and policies.