In January 2022, a challan with the same number plate as my car was issued to me. I tried challenging that challan multiple times, but its status showed as declined. Somewhere in 2022, I gave up. Fast forward to now, I need to sell the car since it in my name, and this issue needs to be sorted out. I won't be paying for someone else's challan; the amount is 2000. How can I challenge this challan? The link provided here shows the challan, but after a day, it shows as declined. There were a total of three challans issued for someone else's car, with the same nameplate, and I can't even write more than 45-70 characters, as far as I remember. Neither can I upload a picture. In the remark, it says the challan was correct. I'm dealing with another headache. The irony is that two out of the three challans were resolved, so I'm not sure why this one can't be resolved. i can't upload and point out look this car number and my car number is same.