Opened on March 1, Fairmont Mumbai can be booked with Accor Preferred rates with perks like free nights, $100 credits, free breakfast, and more.
Accor Preferred also offers 3rd Night free & discounted rates even for 1 Night stay. Since it's newly opened hotel, some of the facilities may not be available yet.
Book for 39K++ for 3 nights or 17.5K++ for 1 night (on select dates)
📥 DM to book!
Accor Preferred also offers 3rd Night free & discounted rates even for 1 Night stay. Since it's newly opened hotel, some of the facilities may not be available yet.
Book for 39K++ for 3 nights or 17.5K++ for 1 night (on select dates)
📥 DM to book!