- SBM new features - Still in "adding" phase. Nothing new added.
- Major drawback which I feel is the redemption process. You can't redeem less than 2500 petals(YES, They have named the reward points as PETALS) which is approximately at a distance of 3.33 lacs of spends. Too much of hassle I think for a low rewarding card.
- The current rate of interest on FD being given is only 7%, many other banks are providing at higher rates.
- Even if I am able to redeem the points, in what form I will keep, I am not sure.... Digital gold or Moneyback or??
Good part - With the physical card, you will get a nicely designed metal card case which can carry 5-6 cards with RFID protection. This is the only good thing in the complete package.
Suggestion - Not worth of the hassle.