Same offer received bro
Wallet load count hoga ki nhi
Unfortunately don't think so as per TnC
Grab Rs. 500 voucher on performing 3 or more transactions on cumulative spends of Rs. 15,000 or more. Get additional Rs. 100 voucher on performing a contactless transaction.
1. Customer will be eligible for Maximum Voucher of Rs. 500 as per the offer eligibility criteria during the entire offer period i.e., from 9th October 2023 till 31st October 2023. (Customer is identified as per Customer ID).
2. Customer will be eligible for an additional voucher of Rs. 100 on performing a Tap n Pay (Contactless) transaction at the merchant outlets and on fulfilling spends criteria.
3. Offer valid from 9th October 2023 till 31st October 2023.
Following purchases or payments shall not be considered for the promotional Voucher offer.
- Investment/Insurance products
- Loading of wallets or Payments through wallets
- Credit card bill payments.
- International transactions.
- Cash on Delivery.
- Forex booking, Betting and Gambling based transactions.
- Funds transfer to another account using Debit Card.
- Any fraudulent transaction.
- Payzapp transactions done via Debit card.
- Smartbuy transactions done via Debit card.