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Irritating Loan offier


TF Premier
Few months ago I was in need of a instant loan. I have CCs from Axis and ICICI. I couldn't find such a offer from their apps. After one month I got the offer of instant loan of credit card and I took it though the need was mostly met.

But now I am getting frequent calls from their end . They start by saying I have a great pre-approved offer. They they keep continuing their conversation explaining how to avail it from app or from some other method. I always try not to be rude so I don't interrupt them. But suddenly they asked me how I want the loan through app or other method? I was surprised. Till now I was listening to their loan offer (which was not needed) and now they are going to start the loan application though I haven't said yes or no. I got little irritated and told them that I already have a runing loan from their bank.

And now He told me that the most absurd thing. In short: he is aware of the previous running loan but still wanted to give me another loan as taking another loan is good thing and I can get it. 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅

So one thing is clear they won't offer a loan when someone needs it but they will frequently offer loan to the same person who already took it. (As he now has a history of loan replacement).

Such a bad marketing. At least for me.