Club ITC is one of the most rewarding program out there and it’s much rewarding with this new offer.
From 15th April, 2023 till 31st May, 2023, you can earn additional 5% Green Points over the top 25% Green Points. A total 30% return.
Oh wait, can we earn more? Yes ofcourse. Did you forget the 50% bonus pts on Friday’s F&B? It’s a 37.5% return, but what’ll happen with this offer?
25% + (5% of 25%) + (50% of 25%) = 42.5% return. So for a bill of ₹4,000, the total Green Points you’ll earn is 1,700 which is equivalent to ₹1,700 at ITC while settling your bill.
The only exclusion is that if you’re a resident guest, you will not be eligible for the extra 5%, but wait, you know the way out already 😇
So when are you planning to have your meal at ITC Hotels? 😉