I have simply click 1.81L
Cashback 20k
Bpcl 15k
Previously I had 1.96L in simply click. Applied for bpcl OCTANE online.
Branch agent said he can't apply cobranded card octane or cashback card etc.
After some days they said they can't provide octane they gave normal bpcl with 15k from my simply click.
It's been eight months but no limit increase no upgrade offer. I contacted customer care and asked for octane they said simply click can be upgraded to octane but the service request was showing bpcl to upgrade.
After some days declined. I think it's because they are trying to upgrade bpcl to octane and I have only 15k limit it's declined. Customer care says reason there is no offer.
What course of action will be easiest to get octane? Any tips, tricks or suggestions is welcome!
Note : 1. I have no problem if they upgrade my simply click to octane.
2. No problem if I have to close normal bpcl.
3. For C2C i have old card with 2L limit.
4. Don't want to close cashback.
Cashback 20k
Bpcl 15k
Previously I had 1.96L in simply click. Applied for bpcl OCTANE online.
Branch agent said he can't apply cobranded card octane or cashback card etc.
After some days they said they can't provide octane they gave normal bpcl with 15k from my simply click.
It's been eight months but no limit increase no upgrade offer. I contacted customer care and asked for octane they said simply click can be upgraded to octane but the service request was showing bpcl to upgrade.
After some days declined. I think it's because they are trying to upgrade bpcl to octane and I have only 15k limit it's declined. Customer care says reason there is no offer.
What course of action will be easiest to get octane? Any tips, tricks or suggestions is welcome!
Note : 1. I have no problem if they upgrade my simply click to octane.
2. No problem if I have to close normal bpcl.
3. For C2C i have old card with 2L limit.
4. Don't want to close cashback.