Don't trust calls citing pre approved card offers. Sometimes offers are genuine but majority of the times they are just an invitation to apply. If you see a pre approved offer in your mobile banking app or net banking then it is a genuine offer. About 3 months after I opened a Kotak account I started seeing pre qualified offers for Kotak cards in my app. I waited as I only wanted to apply if it was pre approved. Later on, I think after another 2-3 months, I got a pre approved offer for Kotak card in Kotak app and this time I applied and received the card within 2-3 days and that too without any type of verification, KYC or CIBIL hit. The process was super smooth. Whereas the interesting thing is that even when I had no offer from Kotak in my app and even when I just had a pre qualified offer, I used to get 3-4 calls daily from Kotak telling me that I have a pre approved offer and asking me to apply for it. By the way I have Kotak 811 zero balance account and I maintained just about 10-15k balance in my account.