Just when I thought Standard Chartered Bank couldn't possibly surprise and disappoint me any more than slashing my credit card's limit from 3.75L to 10k, they have one upped themselves. So, here I am, seeking help and possible next steps.
Earlier today, I initiated a transaction via Billdesk and entered my SC Smart credit card's details. But, I entered the CVV for a different card by mistake (great way to begin the new year, am I right?). I received the OTP, as one does, and entered it to proceed with the payment. But the following screen showed me a transaction failure message stating that the CVV was incorrect. I immediately realized my mistake, and clicked the button to go back and re-initiate the transaction.
At that very moment, SC sends me an SMS of a successful transaction! Mind you, the card wasn't tokenized, and hence the bank should not have okayed the transaction. I mean, had there been tokenization, the transaction wouldn't have failed in the first place. Either way, now I am in a bind. Do I trust (lol) Standard Chartered and wait for the transaction to be reversed automatically? Or should I raise a dispute with them?
Earlier today, I initiated a transaction via Billdesk and entered my SC Smart credit card's details. But, I entered the CVV for a different card by mistake (great way to begin the new year, am I right?). I received the OTP, as one does, and entered it to proceed with the payment. But the following screen showed me a transaction failure message stating that the CVV was incorrect. I immediately realized my mistake, and clicked the button to go back and re-initiate the transaction.
At that very moment, SC sends me an SMS of a successful transaction! Mind you, the card wasn't tokenized, and hence the bank should not have okayed the transaction. I mean, had there been tokenization, the transaction wouldn't have failed in the first place. Either way, now I am in a bind. Do I trust (lol) Standard Chartered and wait for the transaction to be reversed automatically? Or should I raise a dispute with them?