Everywhere Amazon pay egift card issue without any processing fee also with 2-3% discount but why smart buy portal adds processing fee in final amount only for Amazon pay egift card? even not incase of Amazon shopping voucher?
Everywhere Amazon pay egift card issue without any processing fee also with 2-3% discount but why smart buy portal adds processing fee in final amount only for Amazon pay egift card? even not incase of Amazon shopping voucher?
Everywhere Amazon pay egift card issue without any processing fee also with 2-3% discount but why smart buy portal adds processing fee in final amount only for Amazon pay egift card? even not incase of Amazon shopping voucher?
Amazon Pay gift card is an open loop card where you can not only use the amount in Amazon but also in other merchants where amazon pay is accepted. On the other hand Amazon shopping gift card is a closed loop gift card so you can only use it in Amazon for shopping and there is no fees levied on it.
Everywhere Amazon pay egift card issue without any processing fee also with 2-3% discount but why smart buy portal adds processing fee in final amount only for Amazon pay egift card? even not incase of Amazon shopping voucher?
hdfc business strategy. observed people purchasing more apay vouchers, so takes the benefit (note: when initially added these fees, that time apay vouchers out of stock on axis and amex, so it took the opportunity and added pfee, now it continues because people are not caring to pay 2-3% charges and it continue ...
shopping vouchers, story same but people not purchased much of these and somehow they removed 1-2% from it because lack of demand or better alternatives.