Hello. We have been using Magnus since OCTOBER 2022. So far no issues.
Every month we buy Amazon shoping, Amazon pay vouchers and other brand vouchers via Gift edge till the limit.
Today while trying to log in to shows Account has been suspended / Activated.
No Suspicious transaction. No business transaction.
Have anyone faced this issue. If yes how did you get it back?
If not can someone provide the email or any specific customer care number to get in touch for these kinda issues?
@TechnoFino @Subhankar
Thanks 🙏
Every month we buy Amazon shoping, Amazon pay vouchers and other brand vouchers via Gift edge till the limit.
Today while trying to log in to shows Account has been suspended / Activated.
No Suspicious transaction. No business transaction.
Have anyone faced this issue. If yes how did you get it back?
If not can someone provide the email or any specific customer care number to get in touch for these kinda issues?
@TechnoFino @Subhankar
Thanks 🙏

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