Hello Fellow Users,
Every year, at end of the Financial Year, I download bank statement across bank accounts and I analyse the big flows (outflow & inflow) and classify them in separate column.
Example something like below from 2021-22 stmt wherein I added 2 column "Remarks" and "Toggle"
Today, in manual way of working, Remarks are entered by reading Column Particulars and finding words. Like if there is individual name (ABC) and bank name (XYZ) and it is a withdrawal, then Remark becomes "Funds Out - ABC XYZ Bank".
Toggle is simple if Withdrawal or Deposit. I select one of them and start doing the Remarks entry.
Toggle also helps in making a pivot and seeing only Withdrawals / Deposits
Now as a user trying to maximize benefits, I have bank accounts at many banks. So I end up with analysis of atleast 4-5 bank statements with 100-150 transactions each. I do for a few family members.
I was thinking to use PowerBI feature called "Column from Examples" thinking that it has some AI/ML so that once trained, can do like 80%... but that is not the case - tried and it doesn't work.
Do you guys, have any guidance of some smart way of doing this? Not sure if some feature say in Google Sheets with simple ML plugin available?
Tagging hks789 ChurningSidd vigneshn92 vigneshelan kej vishnum26 mastfun in case they have some tips - they seems good with coding/tech tools/scripts
Every year, at end of the Financial Year, I download bank statement across bank accounts and I analyse the big flows (outflow & inflow) and classify them in separate column.
Example something like below from 2021-22 stmt wherein I added 2 column "Remarks" and "Toggle"

Today, in manual way of working, Remarks are entered by reading Column Particulars and finding words. Like if there is individual name (ABC) and bank name (XYZ) and it is a withdrawal, then Remark becomes "Funds Out - ABC XYZ Bank".
Toggle is simple if Withdrawal or Deposit. I select one of them and start doing the Remarks entry.
Toggle also helps in making a pivot and seeing only Withdrawals / Deposits
Now as a user trying to maximize benefits, I have bank accounts at many banks. So I end up with analysis of atleast 4-5 bank statements with 100-150 transactions each. I do for a few family members.
I was thinking to use PowerBI feature called "Column from Examples" thinking that it has some AI/ML so that once trained, can do like 80%... but that is not the case - tried and it doesn't work.
Do you guys, have any guidance of some smart way of doing this? Not sure if some feature say in Google Sheets with simple ML plugin available?
Tagging hks789 ChurningSidd vigneshn92 vigneshelan kej vishnum26 mastfun in case they have some tips - they seems good with coding/tech tools/scripts