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In today's scenario, many individuals possess more than five credit cards, making it impractical to carry them all at once. Moreover, for most online purchases, only the card number is required.
Storing card details in a convenient yet secure manner has been a priority for me. Over the years, I've explored solutions that strike a balance between convenience and security. Here's my take on a few options:
1. Folio: I've used this for over a year, and the recent launch of Folio 2.0 looks promising. The app allows easy copying of card numbers and saving the card itself. Despite incorporating security features, it's worth noting that Folio is a non-Indian app, and data is stored on their servers, raising security concerns.
2. Google Sheets: While a secure option, especially with two-factor authentication (2FA), it may not be the most convenient to access on a mobile device.
3. Zoop Wallet: A recent find, Zoop serves as both a document management app and a secure repository for card details. Card details stay on the phone, with cloud backup on Google Drive. This unique approach minimizes the risk of compromise, as card details aren't stored on external servers. Additionally, Google Cloud storage comes with 2FA for added security.
Of these options, I've opted for Zoop and have found it to be a satisfying choice.
If you've come across other noteworthy apps or solutions, feel free to share them. Any comments are also welcome! I hope you find this information helpful.
1. There are no referral links in this post.
2. I have searched before posting this as I could not find similar thread, however, if its there, please share it!
3. All the above options are completely free.
Storing card details in a convenient yet secure manner has been a priority for me. Over the years, I've explored solutions that strike a balance between convenience and security. Here's my take on a few options:
1. Folio: I've used this for over a year, and the recent launch of Folio 2.0 looks promising. The app allows easy copying of card numbers and saving the card itself. Despite incorporating security features, it's worth noting that Folio is a non-Indian app, and data is stored on their servers, raising security concerns.
2. Google Sheets: While a secure option, especially with two-factor authentication (2FA), it may not be the most convenient to access on a mobile device.
3. Zoop Wallet: A recent find, Zoop serves as both a document management app and a secure repository for card details. Card details stay on the phone, with cloud backup on Google Drive. This unique approach minimizes the risk of compromise, as card details aren't stored on external servers. Additionally, Google Cloud storage comes with 2FA for added security.
Of these options, I've opted for Zoop and have found it to be a satisfying choice.
If you've come across other noteworthy apps or solutions, feel free to share them. Any comments are also welcome! I hope you find this information helpful.
1. There are no referral links in this post.
2. I have searched before posting this as I could not find similar thread, however, if its there, please share it!
3. All the above options are completely free.
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