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I hate liars. Kotak bank employees are institutionalising lying. Earlier, I never touched their stock, now I won't ever touch their products. Cheaters.
Axis is much much much better than Kotak.
----- (Edit for) Context: Kotal 811 Sucker Account January Cashback. It's not because of the cashback denial, but how their redressal desk deals with it to justify their unethical practices. I can't even log in to the Kotak app after I proved them how they are lying.
They ask us, do we need help or not, but I feel they seriously need help. Don't believe? Check the live link (shared below) or attachment. They can easily do time travel in past or future as per their wish. They are super God. Their bank, their people, their rule.
Link: https://www.kotak811.com/rewards-terms-and-conditions