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This is my first profile post. I'm posting here because I need some expert advice.
I'm getting married next month, and I’m planning my honeymoon for late May or June. However, I'm really confused about where to go. Since I don't have much travel experience, I’d love to get some recommendations from travel experts.
My budget is around ₹2-3 lakh, and I plan to travel within India because I don’t have a passport or visa yet. I’ve planned an international trip for our first anniversary, so for now, I’m looking for the best destinations within India.
I’m especially unsure about which places are ideal for a summer honeymoon. I'd appreciate suggestions based on that.
Additionally, I’m considering booking a holiday package and have checked out a few platforms. So far, MakeMyTrip (MMT) seems like the best option, and I already have an MMT Black subscription. Can I trust MMT for bookings, or are there better alternatives? Would it be better to explore local travel agencies instead?
Lastly, which credit card would be the best to use for travel expenses? Any recommendations on that would be really helpful.
I’m tagging a few people here—please share your expert opinions. If you think someone else can help, feel free to tag them as well. Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions!