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Today, I submitted two CC applications. Both are vKyc done and awaiting approval/ rejection messages.
I just applied for Yes Bank LTF Elite+ (visa/MC) plus LTF Rupay (virtual) a few minutes ago. I just finished vKyc. (No docs were asked.) The CC application process took a total of 20 minutes. I'm Taking Badla of GF. By the way, GF activated my neon annual subscription without the card. I deleted the app in anger. I don't need their 5%.
The Indusind CC Application of Legend LTF took 45 minutes to complete (including 25 minutes waiting for vKyc). On the spot, it offered me the second-highest Credit limit (out of the 12 cards I already have)
My sole objective at the moment is to get some PLCC offers and reduce my CC limit utilization.
Which banks are currently (March, 2025) offering CC for NTB customers without documents / address verification based on cibil record basis? 1. IDFC
2. Indusind
Based on input in the comments section...
3. SBI (input)
4. ICICI 5. Yes
6. Axis (?)
7. ?