Hello Everyone,
This thread is only for those Banks which offer their OWN DEMAT AND TRADING account. ( So, Banks like Indusind which have a tie-up with a third party stock broker have not been included.)
If you are searching for all Banks Banking Department email id and phone number, check here >> https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/all-banks-banking-department-email-id-phone-no.25442/
For Banks Credit Card Department email id and phone number, check here >> https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/all-bank-credit-card-department-email-id-phone-no.529/
Please note - Demat account queries are generally addressed to the Bank; while the queries pertaining to their Trading account are dealt by the Trading Arm of that Bank.
For Demat section - 1800 1080 ( select relevant IVR optn)
Email - customer.care@icicibank.com
For Esc - headdematservices@icicibank.com
For Trading ( Icici Direct is the trading Portal; mentioning since one might get confused between Icici Securities and Icici Direct)
Contact - 1860 123 1122 / 022 3355 1122
Email - helpdesk@icicidirect.com / prioritycircle@icicisecurities.com
Lvl 1 - headservicequality@icicidirect.com ( 022 4070 1000)
Lvl 2- Chief Operating Officer - coo@icicidirect.com
Lvl 3- complianceofficer@icicisecurities.com ( 022 6999 7075 )
CEO - isecceo@icicisecurities.com ( 022 6999 7051)
For Demat section - 08169409941
Email - nodalofficer@kotak.com (yes this is the first touch point for DP complaint)
For Esc - Head of Customer Care - k.vora@kotak.com ( 08069428600 )
Compliance Officer - pankaj.mishra4@kotak.com (this may change in future, pls check before sending an email ) 022 6166 0001 / 2
CEO - ceo@kotak.com ( 022 6204 2110)
For Trading ( Kotak Securities )
Contact - 1800 209 9191
Email - service.securities@kotak.com
Lvl 1- ks.escalation@kotak.com ( 1800 209 9393 )
Lvl 2- ks.servicehead@kotak.com ( 022 4285 8208 )
Lvl 3- ks.compliance@kotak.com ( 022 4285 8484 )
CEO - ceo.ks@kotak.com ( 022 4285 8301 )
BEFORE OPENING ACCOUNT WITH HDFC PLEASE GO THROUGH THIS THREAD >> https://www.technofino.in/community...mat-account-related-issues.22602/#post-630681
For Demat section- 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 (select relevant IVR option)
Email - dphelp@hdfcbank.com or even infodp@hdfcbank.com
For Esc - grievance.redressal@hdfcbank.com ( 1800 266 4060)
Compliance Officer - paresh.soni@hdfcbank.com ( this may change in future, pls check before sending an email ) Contact - 022 3383 9212
CEO - managingdirector@hdfcbank.com ( 022 6652 1002)
For Trading ( Hdfc Securities)
Contact - 022 3901 9400 / 022 6480 4444
Email - customercare@hdfcsec.com
Lvl 1 - Head of customer Care - services@hdfcsec.com ( 022 6127 3909)
Lvl 2- Compliance Officer - complianceoofficer@hdfcsec.com
CEO - escalation@hdfcsec.com / md@hdfcsec.com (022 6741 9951)
For Demat section - 022 6217 6320
Burgundy customer might be able to connect by calling the Dedicated Burgundy Helpline
Email - dp.operations@axisbank.com / dp.servicerequest@axisbank.com
For Esc - nodal.officer@axisbank.com ( 080 6186 5200)
Compliance Officer - dpcompliance.officer@axisbank.com ( 022 6217 6321)
CEO- mdceo@axisbank.com ( it is mentioned as md&ceo@axisbank.com in Document; but I believe '&' is not in the email address ) 022 6868 5757
For Trading
Contact - 022 4050 8080
Email - helpdesk@axisdirect.in
Lvl 1- Head Customer Service - customer.grievance@axisdirect.in ( 022 6855 5569)
Lvl 2- compliance.officer@axisdirect.in
CEO - ceo@axisdirect.in ( 022 6855 5565)
This thread is only for those Banks which offer their OWN DEMAT AND TRADING account. ( So, Banks like Indusind which have a tie-up with a third party stock broker have not been included.)
If you are searching for all Banks Banking Department email id and phone number, check here >> https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/all-banks-banking-department-email-id-phone-no.25442/
For Banks Credit Card Department email id and phone number, check here >> https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/all-bank-credit-card-department-email-id-phone-no.529/
Please note - Demat account queries are generally addressed to the Bank; while the queries pertaining to their Trading account are dealt by the Trading Arm of that Bank.

For Demat section - 1800 1080 ( select relevant IVR optn)
Email - customer.care@icicibank.com
For Esc - headdematservices@icicibank.com
For Trading ( Icici Direct is the trading Portal; mentioning since one might get confused between Icici Securities and Icici Direct)
Contact - 1860 123 1122 / 022 3355 1122
Email - helpdesk@icicidirect.com / prioritycircle@icicisecurities.com
Lvl 1 - headservicequality@icicidirect.com ( 022 4070 1000)
Lvl 2- Chief Operating Officer - coo@icicidirect.com
Lvl 3- complianceofficer@icicisecurities.com ( 022 6999 7075 )
CEO - isecceo@icicisecurities.com ( 022 6999 7051)

For Demat section - 08169409941
Email - nodalofficer@kotak.com (yes this is the first touch point for DP complaint)
For Esc - Head of Customer Care - k.vora@kotak.com ( 08069428600 )
Compliance Officer - pankaj.mishra4@kotak.com (this may change in future, pls check before sending an email ) 022 6166 0001 / 2
CEO - ceo@kotak.com ( 022 6204 2110)
For Trading ( Kotak Securities )
Contact - 1800 209 9191
Email - service.securities@kotak.com
Lvl 1- ks.escalation@kotak.com ( 1800 209 9393 )
Lvl 2- ks.servicehead@kotak.com ( 022 4285 8208 )
Lvl 3- ks.compliance@kotak.com ( 022 4285 8484 )
CEO - ceo.ks@kotak.com ( 022 4285 8301 )
BEFORE OPENING ACCOUNT WITH HDFC PLEASE GO THROUGH THIS THREAD >> https://www.technofino.in/community...mat-account-related-issues.22602/#post-630681

For Demat section- 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 (select relevant IVR option)
Email - dphelp@hdfcbank.com or even infodp@hdfcbank.com
For Esc - grievance.redressal@hdfcbank.com ( 1800 266 4060)
Compliance Officer - paresh.soni@hdfcbank.com ( this may change in future, pls check before sending an email ) Contact - 022 3383 9212
CEO - managingdirector@hdfcbank.com ( 022 6652 1002)
For Trading ( Hdfc Securities)
Contact - 022 3901 9400 / 022 6480 4444
Email - customercare@hdfcsec.com
Lvl 1 - Head of customer Care - services@hdfcsec.com ( 022 6127 3909)
Lvl 2- Compliance Officer - complianceoofficer@hdfcsec.com
CEO - escalation@hdfcsec.com / md@hdfcsec.com (022 6741 9951)

For Demat section - 022 6217 6320
Burgundy customer might be able to connect by calling the Dedicated Burgundy Helpline
Email - dp.operations@axisbank.com / dp.servicerequest@axisbank.com
For Esc - nodal.officer@axisbank.com ( 080 6186 5200)
Compliance Officer - dpcompliance.officer@axisbank.com ( 022 6217 6321)
CEO- mdceo@axisbank.com ( it is mentioned as md&ceo@axisbank.com in Document; but I believe '&' is not in the email address ) 022 6868 5757
For Trading
Contact - 022 4050 8080
Email - helpdesk@axisdirect.in
Lvl 1- Head Customer Service - customer.grievance@axisdirect.in ( 022 6855 5569)
Lvl 2- compliance.officer@axisdirect.in
CEO - ceo@axisdirect.in ( 022 6855 5565)

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