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Amex Credit Bureau Decline Reason

No, not like that , in fact they are giving these cards with little less strict guidelines these days..
I got my MRCC, Plat Travel both in two days almost a month ago..
Which card did you apply for ? Any referral used? You don't see any perculiarity about your CIBIL, not necessarily score any other factor which is not normal...
Bro, wait till they start cancelling some of these accounts after doing an FR ! Get ready for many such threads being posted here in the future.

To be on the safer side be very careful on what, where & how much you are spending on these cards. Amex does not blink an eye before putting an FR on an account & freeze all cards till you have satisfied them with all docs they ask of you.

I know coz I have through one. They treat you like a criminal when you talk to them during an ongoing FR !
You can approach the ombudsman but that could be rubbing them on the wrong side + AmEX never discloses Over Exposure , instead they will give some other vague reason.

I'm already fighting with AU SFB (For deceptive advertising case). Don't want to pick on with AmEX too 🤣

Maybe it's over exposure issue or something else which only they know. I've kinda given up on this for now, will revisit AmEX after a few weeks or so and retry.
Well then that's even more surprising I didn't make it through.

Edit: I monitor my report every month, fix if I find any issues but make sure everything is accurate and clean.
Telling you it is due to "too much credit being available to you" (Over Exposure) & AmEx's risk appetite in India being low as compared some of the other countries, due to multiple reasons including they NOT being a bank & dependency on the pool of capital that they have to serve the lines of credit. I have had this discussion with them. They recently denied me for the third card in spite of over 8 years of history with them & spending over 40L year on year.

Even if you do get approved after 90 days, don't be surprised if they start you off with smaller limit. I started off with a limit of 25K on my Plat Travel card with an ITR of 18.9 lakhs, due to me having two 7 digits auto loans running & the amount of credit available to me at that point of time !!! They will gradually increase that over time.

Anyway AmEx cards are mostly useless in India for POS transactions as almost No one wants accept it for the MDR. So unless you have a lot of online spends you will find it difficult to use it in most places in India ! Also, avoid using AmEx for international spends when you get one as they have a pathetic conversion rate & a high mark up.
Don't apply before 90 days or their system will auto decline the application ! Good Luck.

Will keep in mind.

Also, BB said I should apply for Plat Reserve or Charge card and told me I can literally apply right now (no need to wait 90 days) and that it'll be approved -- He has the banker tag, so must be working with AmEX, so def. can't overlook his words.

I didn't go for it due to reward structure of the Reserve not being as good as Travel. And Charge having high fees (I might take it one day but for someone who's just getting started with AmEX, I think it's better to go slow and expand the portfolio).

But I'm yet to understand the logic behind this till date. I'm not getting Plat Travel or any lower variant cards including MRCC/Gold (as stated by BB) but I can get Reserve or Plat Charge. It's def. a good offer for someone who wishes to take it but I'm not sure if I should.

Just stumbled upon the above thread by chance. Read it if you can. You will know what i was talking about. Over-Exposure (Overleverage) can lead to most declines.

As I said just coz your using 1% of your limit today does not mean you will not use the remaining 99% tomorrow ! That is how the algo sees it !!!!!!!

So "when & if" you do use all the limit that is available to you, you should be able to prove to the lender that you have the income to pay the "debt" off !

However, at the end of the day it's all about risk appetite & varies from lender to lender. That is why you see some lenders giving you a bigger credit limit or giving a bigger limit enhancement compared to the other with the same docs !
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Just stumbled upon the above thread by chance. Read it if you can. You will know what i was talking about. Over-Exposure (Overleverage) can lead to most declines.

As I said just coz your using 1% of your limit does not mean you will not use the remaining 99% tomorrow ! That is how the algo works !

So "when & if" you do use all the limit that is available to you, you should be able to prove to the lender that you have the income to pay the "debt" off !

It's all about risk appetite

Wow this makes so much sense. I think this is what has happened.

I should probably consider closing some unused cards.
I didn't go for it due to reward structure of the Reserve not being as good as Travel. And Charge having high fees (I might take it one day but for someone who's just getting started with AmEX, I think it's better to go slow and expand the portfolio).
Reserve & Plat charge are both designed to be lifestyle cards and NOT reward cards, you have the MRCC & Gold Charge for that, then of course you have the Plat Travel card for exactly what the name suggests ! So the reserve card is designed as a lifestyle card.

Sorry to break this to you but literally NO can can assure you which AmEx card you will be approved for as there are three stages to almost all New AmEx application approvals in India including for existing AmEx customers.

First stage is when you submit the application, either the system will reject you straight away or will refer you giving you the application number. Once you are referred then comes the VKYC part, & stage three is where the "underwriter" goes through all the data points in your application & matches it with any docs you might have provided & will either issue you the card or decline it.

Even when you speak to the amEx credit team they do NOT have a clue about information that underwriters or the back office does want them to know. I have been declined for a Plat Charge after getting Pre-approved offer on the online banking site & the rep being 100% confident.

So I'm not saying you will not get approved, please do NOT get me wrong all that i'm saying is you have to risk it & keep applying if you really want an amex.

Also, amex reviews any limitations on the account every 30 days & 90 days is the ideal wait time to reapply & try your luck. But you will never know till you apply !
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Sorry to break this to you but literally NO can can assure you which AmEx card you will be approved for as their are three stages to almost all New AmEx application approvals in India including for existing AmEx customers.

While I understand this, I do feel the agents or people from the bank would have an idea of what gets through which although might not guarantee its success rate, it still can maximize the chances.

For example, there's a higher chance of getting some cards via agents at malls and airports than going directly simply because of things like referral ID, some profile info adjustments (at times I've noticed agents go as far as filling in totally fake info about employment just to get their cut and that does get the card approved -- I never applied but I know someone who did who literally had bad credit history yet surprise surprise got a decent credit limit from a PSU bank thanks to that agent).

Similarly, I've seen another case where the RM calls and pushes to apply for a CC and that the applicant need not give any docs or fill anything extra other than basic info and just enter employee code and bam, it did work and approved. How do you think that is happening?

So as much as I understand there is no one particular person who can guarantee anything, they definitely can help with the application to improve its success chances with slight tweaks here and there based on their internal knowledge (another example is, cards that don't get approved at specific pin codes, if you know this through the banker, then you can avoid applying instead of applying now and getting rejected only to waste time trying to figure out what went wrong).
While I understand this, I do feel the agents or people from the bank would have an idea of what gets through which although might not guarantee its success rate, it still can maximize the chances.

For example, there's a higher chance of getting some cards via agents at malls and airports than going directly simply because of things like referral ID, some profile info adjustments (at times I've noticed agents go as far as filling in totally fake info about employment just to get their cut and that does get the card approved -- I never applied but I know someone who did who literally had bad credit history yet surprise surprise got a decent credit limit from a PSU bank thanks to that agent).

Similarly, I've seen another case where the RM calls and pushes to apply for a CC and that the applicant need not give any docs or fill anything extra other than basic info and just enter employee code and bam, it did work and approved. How do you think that is happening?

So as much as I understand there is no one particular person who can guarantee anything, they definitely can help with the application to improve its success chances with slight tweaks here and there based on their internal knowledge (another example is, cards that don't get approved at specific pin codes, if you know this through the banker, then you can avoid applying instead of applying now and getting rejected only to waste time trying to figure out what went wrong).
Hence the increase in bad debts & NPAs, more so in the PSU than the private sector.

Agents give fake info about employment & income just to game the same thing, income to debt ratio. Keep your total available credit / debt within 1.5X - 2.0X time of your declared salary & 4.0X time of your ITR and you will get fresh credit with No problem.

People started gaming the utilisation ratio system by taking multiple cards even with shared limit from the same bank to keep their utilisation ratio down. So some one having 3 cards with a shared limit of 100K & using the entire 100K, will still have a utilisation ratio of only 33.33% in the bureaus, since all 3 of those cards will be reported as separate accounts each with a limit of 100K.

Also, someone have an income 10,000 PM & someone having an income 10,00,000, both can have a CIBIL score of 790, but their debt serving capability will NOT be the same. So, even though both have same score do you expect the banks will give them the same amount of credit ? ….. But that is exactly what is happening by falsifying income data & gaming the bureau utilisation algorithm, hence the increase in NPAs …..

Banks have only recently started looking at credit exposure more than the utilisation ratio or a score to beat this nuisance tbh.
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Will keep in mind.

Also, BB said I should apply for Plat Reserve or Charge card and told me I can literally apply right now (no need to wait 90 days) and that it'll be approved -- He has the banker tag, so must be working with AmEX, so def. can't overlook his words.
He is indeed right. You can't apply for the same card that has been recently declined, have to wait for the mandatory 90 days, but you are free to apply any other cards. No need to wait for that.
He is indeed right. You can't apply for the same card that has been recently declined, have to wait for the mandatory 90 days, but you are free to apply any other cards. No need to wait for that.

So does that mean I can try for MRCC/Gold Charge too?
Update: So I finally got the MRCC card approved. I wanted to make an entry with AmEx after the disappointing rejection for the Plat Travel despite having such a clean credit report and later work my way up for other cards.

Through out all this process and since last few months, @BestBanker bro has been extremely helpful and I didn't expect he could actually help in getting the card but he did. His suggestions worked well. Prompt answers to all the queries <3

Thank you so much @BestBanker bro, kudos to you 🫡
Anyone knows what the whole "Credit Bureau Decline" reason means?

I applied for Amex Plat Travel CC recently after carefully evaluating the criteria. I don't usually apply for all sorts of cards since I'm always under the fear of having a hard enquiry in my CIBIL report and then not getting the card if that happens. So If I'm applying, I'm selective and only apply where I feel I should get it based on the standard criteria of the banks and hold decent cards from base to premium with good limit too.

I've probably had only 2 rejections in almost a decade of proper managing and monitoring of credit report, under 1% credit utilisation from across multiple credit cards, no payment delays, no defaults, not even incorrect information in report or documents (I fix any incorrect info reports by any institutions from time to time). Well balanced of secured and unsecured credit line/loans with timely payments. Healthy and steady score which falls under good if not excellent category.

Yet this rejection with such a reason came as a surprise and I'm trying to understand what that even means and where I got it wrong.

I'm self-employed tho, ITR is over the required criteria.

Any pointers or experiences would be helpful.

I'm thinking to appeal or request for reconsideration by reaching out to the nodal officer but not sure if that's even a good idea?
Hard enquiry means??