TF Buzz
I think I just committed a blunder. My HDFC savings account was due to get upgraded to Imperia today (consent submitted yesterday). However earlier today I had applied for Millenia debit card (while my program was showing classic as it had been since beginning). A few moments back my netbanking showed standard for sometime and then back to classic again. I am just wondering whether me applying for millenia debit card halted the process of upgrade of banking program?
I had thought it should not be a problem since DC was free in both classic and imperia program. But now I am thinking that it might have had effect on program upgrade. Pls guide whether it's possible or I'm just overthinking
I had thought it should not be a problem since DC was free in both classic and imperia program. But now I am thinking that it might have had effect on program upgrade. Pls guide whether it's possible or I'm just overthinking
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