TF Neo
I requested axis bank to provide a no dues certificate after credit card closure on 14 dec 24 and last statement payment of Rs 10.48 on 23 Dec 24 against last statement was done. However, they r again mentioning in cancellation letter that "if outstanding amt arises out of disputed transaction, u need to pay outstanding when intimated to u when statement is generated "
I am frustrated of requesting then again and again to provide NO DUES CERTIFICATE for the card closure.
I am attaching the cancellation letter recd from AXIS Bank
Pls advise whether it can be termed as a NO dues certificate since they have mentioned that the outstanding was NIL on letter generation date I.e. 24 Dec 24. However u need to pay outstanding if arising out of disputed transaction. We will intimate u for payment when next statement is generated
Pls advise
I am frustrated of requesting then again and again to provide NO DUES CERTIFICATE for the card closure.
I am attaching the cancellation letter recd from AXIS Bank
Pls advise whether it can be termed as a NO dues certificate since they have mentioned that the outstanding was NIL on letter generation date I.e. 24 Dec 24. However u need to pay outstanding if arising out of disputed transaction. We will intimate u for payment when next statement is generated
Pls advise