If you have applied for axis vistara signature credit card / axis vistara credit card in the offer period (Feb, March)
And spent required amount for getting joining fees reversal, then you'll get your card joining fees reversal within 31st July, 2022.
Axis vistara signature- spend Rs. 60000 in first 90 days
Axis vistara- spend Rs. 30000 in first 90 days.
Eligible axis vistara credit holders are getting joining fees reversal.
Here is a screenshoot-
And spent required amount for getting joining fees reversal, then you'll get your card joining fees reversal within 31st July, 2022.

Axis vistara signature- spend Rs. 60000 in first 90 days
Axis vistara- spend Rs. 30000 in first 90 days.
Eligible axis vistara credit holders are getting joining fees reversal.
Here is a screenshoot-

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