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Cibil report generated by bankbazaar without my consent


TF Buzz
Just now received an email from Experian that bankbazaar has asked for generation of this Cibil report based on my authorization.

I have never even registered on their website, let alone giving consent. I haven't received any call or anything from them, just got the report.

Could this lead to fraud? How did they even got my name, email and phone number for generating Cibil report.

Could someone help me out for the next steps? Should I directly raise a complaint on RBI ombudsman?

Subject of email: Experian Credit Report and Credit Score through BANKBAZAAR.COM

Greetings. Thank you for applying for your Credit Report and Score through BANKBAZAAR.COM. Please find enclosed your credit report and score.
The purpose of this request is as per your consent provided on BANKBAZAAR.COM. This report will enable you to view your credit lines. This request will NOT change your Experian Credit Score.
Instructions for opening the credit report.
1)To open the file, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have an Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit the following link to download it: www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
2)Click on the attachment provided with this mail
3)You will be prompted for your password. This is to safeguard your information from fraudulent access.
4)Your password consists of the first 4 letters of your first name* followed by the last four digits of your mobile number. Kindly enter the password in upper case and do not include any special characters.
For example, if the name in your account is Rahul Kumar and the mobile number is 9999988888, then your password will be RAHU8888.
*If your first name has less than 4 letters, add space after the name followed by last four digits of your mobile number. For example, if the name in your account is Sai Kumar and the mobile number is 9999988888, then your password will be SAI 8888.
5)Depending on your personal spam filter settings it is possible that the credit report may be directed to your junk folder rather than your inbox. Please check for the same in both folders.
6)This is system generated email and does not require any signature. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and do not disclose its contents to any other person nor copy or use it for any purpose.
7)If you find a discrepancy in your report, it is important to quickly raise it with your lender.Under the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act 2005 and as per the guidelines set by the Reserve Bank of India, Experian Credit Information Company of India Private Limited is not authorized to change any data in your credit information report without authorisation from your lender. However, we would be happy to help you with this process. If you would like us to help please visit https://consumer.experian.in/ECV-OLN/ to raise a dispute regarding the discrepancy.