For me, it was accepted in around 90% of the places in Bangalore. Most places had somewhat new POS machines like the touchscreen one from pinelabs and paytm, or some other new one that had an HDFC branding on it. Worked on some of the older POS machines too, but some others like the very old slim one from verifone was where it didn't accept. In my tier 2/3 hometown, many of the pos machines were these verifone ones and so acceptance was lower, like 60-70%. But generally speaking, it should be accepted anywhere RuPay is accepted. The contactless worked only on the new machine that had the HDFC branding. Failed everywhere else.
Online acceptance is also around the 90%. For govt sites and the ones that use the SBI or Canara or Federal bank for payments, Diners Club isn't accepted. Works fine with razorpay, billdesk, paytm etc and most of my online payments had these as the payment gateway.