The whole post raises a red flag.
It's good that you want to get into it and dip your toes, but if some story or video on social media got you into this I'd highly advice you to stop before you put any fair amount of money into it.
Do some reading, browse around the net, read several guides and also research about what investing in US instruments entails for you, specially if you wanna commit to it.
I'd start actually saving some money and lowering your tax liabilities before investing elsewhere.
And no offence, this forum would be the last place where I'd go to ask for US stocks or any sort of US investments. I have no doubt there's some experts in the forum but a big majority isn't.
I hope someone can still share some information about guides, platforms and general advice.
I'm actually surprised that as a financial forum I haven't seen many (or any) investing guides or threads around.
This would be a great addition to the forum.