i cant even login fedmobile. I reinstalled app but now after mobile no. verification it is asking for account no. As I don't have any saving account of federal bank I called customer care. he said to enter credit card no. at account no. screen. however credit card no. is 16 digit but on account no. screen only 14 digit is allowed. any1 know how to login
i cant even login fedmobile. I reinstalled app but now after mobile no. verification it is asking for account no. As I don't have any saving account of federal bank I called customer care. he said to enter credit card no. at account no. screen. however credit card no. is 16 digit but on account no. screen only 14 digit is allowed. any1 know how to login
Clear your dues.
Email fed cc for the problem.
Wait for 5 to 7 days for reply. It will get cleared. And you will see credit card number option.
Personally had this problem. The cc didn't reply for 10 days. So that's why saying pay dues if any.
Good for you man, just checked mine no offer banner. Unfortunately no other option via email or SMS to check for pre-existing LE offers except this. I have been stuck with 292k from last 6-8 months. needed to get 3L for celesta
Good for you man, just checked mine no offer banner. Unfortunately so other option via email or SMS to check for pre-existing LE offers except this. I have been stuck with 292k from last 6-8 months. needed to get 3L for celesta
I rarely use this card. Most of my total monthly spends are under 20k (if i use). I got 2 LE so far. So avoid spending too much to get LE. No upgrade so far.
I rarely use this card. Most of my total monthly spends are under 20k (if i use). I got 2 LE so far. So avoid spending too much to get LE. No upgrade so far.