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Fraudulent Union Bank reports keep on harming my Credit Rating for 7 years after closure of CC !!!

Trust Me

TF Legend
Believe it or not, until recently I have never checked my credit reports, secure in the belief that nothing could go wrong with my rating since I've never, ever, been delinquent with my loan repayments. Indeed, I have never been denied a loan or a credit card owing to my credit rating. Also my rating range as shown by some banks these days never indicated anything to worry about. How naïve I was!

A few days back, while checking my Credit Report for the first time, I noticed to my horror that my old Union Bank credit card which was closed way back in April 2016, is still being reported fraudulently by Union Bank to all the Credit Bureaus as being active (the 'Date Closed' is left blank), -- and that too as a non-secured card which it never was!

* On top of that it was reported for late/non payment for 5 consecutive months in 2021 -- five years after the credit card account was actually closed by me !!!

Here is the chronology of events:

* I opened an FD with Union Bank in April 2011. On my application, a credit card was issued to me against this FD by placing a lien on it.

* I closed the above credit card on or before the FD Maturity in April 2016. Consequently the lien against my FD was removed, so I was able to close it and transfer the money to my SB account.

* I was happy to have ended all my relationship with Union Bank by then closing my SB account too.

* I have never applied for, nor did I ever have, any unsecured credit card from Union Bank.

The Union Bank reports fail obvious consistency checks too:

Date of Last Payment: January 2014.

Date Reported and Certified: 25-04-2023.

Payments were reported to be 30 days past due for 5 consecutive months in 2021. Then it somehow recovered to 'no delay' each month till April 2023 even without any payments made (remember the last payment was made back in January 2014)!

It is amazing how the credit bureaus obviously think it's not their responsibility to check the incoming data for consistency before reporting them! Perhaps they think they should adapt to the very Indian way of doing things: regurgitate the input information without applying your mind to it! Nice!

Also, isn't it strange that a credit card that was apparently unused for almost 9.5 years (since December 2013) was still kept alive by the bank? And who were the apparently renewed card(s) mailed to, since I, the apparent card owner, never knew anything about them?! The bank did have my contact information in file!

Be that as it may, what can I do now to have this mess fixed ASAP? I don't have any relationship with Union Bank anymore, so who should I write to? It is such a blatant case of fraud, I do believe that the bank shouldn't be able to get away with just removal of the fradulent reporting. They must somehow be taken to task by the RBI too, but how? Thanks for any guidance.
Update :-

I've received an SMS from Union Bank that my CC "has been cancelled on 22-06-2023 at your request"! The email confirmation (verbally promised) hasn't arrived in 2 days since.

The problem is, my written request for cancellation of the CC was submitted way back in April 2016, more than 7 years back! So I told them over phone that I was never going to accept this June 2023 cancellation date, since it would give legitimacy to all those fraudulent statements generated (unbeknownst to me) since my cancellation request (and consequent removal of the lien on my FD) back in April 2016. So I'm going to contest it with them all the way up to the RBI ombudsman, if necessary.

Update :-

I've received an email yesterday (one month after I'd filed a complaint with the RBI ombudsman) from the manager of my ex-home branch, Union Bank, with exactly the same information as in the above quote (as received on 22-06-2026), except that the header indicates that it was in response to my complaint to the RBI ombudsman!

The whole reason of my complaint was that I did not accept a closure date > 7 years after my actual written closure request, and the legitimacy that imparts to the years of fraudulent reports made to the 4 credit bureaus by Union Bank. There is no acknowledgment of this fact whatsoever from Union Bank!

I haven't received any communication from RBI so far, and so, am still unaware of their stand on this. The complaint status does not show anything beyond the fact that my complaint was sent to Union Bank.

I don't know what to expect now! :-(
I had a StanC card which I closed in 2004. Last month I noticed my card still shown as active with a tiny balance of Rs. 65.

Wrote to the bank & they have agreed to deactivate completely & correct the records.

Did they keep on reporting fake statements and records to the credit bureaus after the closure in 2004 like Union Bank had kept on doing for me?
No. I could see they had not marked anything as "overdue". They just showed the card as active and balance of Rs.65

Union Bank had marked my account 30-days overdue for 5 consecutive months in 2021, -- full 5 years after my written closure request! The overdue duration came down to zero after that. Yet my last payment date was shown to be in 2014. These morons don't even care for consistency in fake reports!
As reported earlier in the thread "How to file a complaint against a bank ...":

My issue (detailed here): Union Bank never closed my secured CC even in 7 years after my original written application for closure in April, 2016. When I wrote to them in June, 2023 after finding out about it, they just closed the CC then, -- more than 7 years after my original written application. This was unacceptable to me because firstly, it did not honour my original request, and secondly, it gives legitimacy to years of fake reports from Union Bank to the credit bureaus showing delayed payments for a card supposed to be not in use! RBI guidelines mandated an "immediate" closure at the time of my original request, and prescribes a penalty of Rs, 500/day for each day of delay now.

Anyway, Union Bank responded to me one month after I'd filed a complaint with the RBI ombudsman, but never addressed my complaint, repeating exactly the same stand as 11 weeks back (which was unacceptable to me as explained above, and formed the basis of my complaint to RBI in the first place)!

Surprisingly, I've received no response RBI ombudsman so far (even one week after the bank's response)! The complaint status still does not show anything beyond that my complaint was sent to the Bank.

So I'm rather perplexed, -- is it expected that I respond to the bank's email rather than waiting for a response from RBI?!

So I actually went ahead and responded on 13-09-2023 to the above email from Union Bank reiterating in detail why I couldn't accept a CC closure date that is > 7 years after my original written request. I had also sent a copy to crpc@rbi.org.in to keep them updated.

I was alarmed when I received an email from the RBI CMS Team yesterday reporting closure of my complaint! It turned out that crpc had actually assigned a new complaint number to that email copy, and closed it since it was not addressed directly to the RBI ombudsman! Apparently they had ignored my original complaint no. mentioned in the subject line!

So my original complaint is apparently still alive, and after being stuck for 5 weeks at "Complaint Registered with RBI and sent to Regulated Entity", has finally progressed in the last couple of days to the next stage: "Complaint in Process with RBI / Regulated Entity".

I don't know whether Union Bank have actually forwarded to RBI my above reiterated refusal to accept the 06-2023 closure (and thus also legitimizing all their fake reports of delayed payments and such).

Is there any email address of the RBI ombudsman where I should forward a copy of my above email sent to the bank (and was also sent in vain to crpc)?

I'd much appreciate any help from the experts at TechnoFino in this regard. Thanks.
