Today I recharge 199 plan in Google pay via Axis Bank Ace Credit Card then Google pay deducted 202.70 for 199 recharge plan.Extra 3.70 for platform fee and convenience fee.Friends,what are your opinions on this matter, please comment below, Thanks.
Today I recharge 199 plan in Google pay via Axis Bank Ace Credit Card then Google pay deducted 202.70 for 199 recharge plan.Extra 3.70 for platform fee and convenience fee.Friends,what are your opinions on this matter, please comment below, Thanks.
As far as I know, this fee was only applicable to mobile recharges until now. Just five days ago, I paid an electricity bill using the same card, and there was no such fee included. However, today, while paying another bill, I noticed this fee being applied. 0.75% + GST.