the person who had called was actually sitting inside the branch (not in customer area but where actual employees sit) so atleast that wasn't shady
I dont think they even have ICards.... When I asked him that I will apply via him if he allows me to take photo if his ICard, he said its against bank policy (he wasn't wearing one and I assume he didn't have any) to which I said that he was asking me to share Aadhar and PAN on whatsapp but was not allowing me to take photo personally ?
He said many people apply like this (and he also said we can watermark the documents for safety like "only for HDFC CC, valid till <some date>" as it official process) but asking over whatsapp/mail is always shady
BTW, ask him that if he sends his ICard pic, you will apply via him... if he sends... check for obvious photoshop modifications and then block him by saying, sorry changed your mind)