For example: If the cardholder spends Rs.1,00,000 in calendar month cycle with following break up of spends
• Spends on PayZapp: Rs.10,000 | Vendor payment via Swifti: Rs.20,000 | Flight booking via MMT MyBiz : Rs10,000 |Payment Wallet load spends: 10,000 | other spends: Rs. 50,000
• Thus, the total spends eligible for Reward Points would be only Rs.10,000 + Rs.20,000 + Rs.10,000 + Rs.50,000 = Rs.90,000.
The Reward Points earned for the billing cycle in example would be calculated as follows:
• Accelerated 5X Reward Points of Rs.40,000 (Spends on PayZapp: Rs.10,000 | Vendor payment via Swifti: Rs.20,000 | Flight booking via MMT MyBiz : Rs.10,000) = 6,667 RP
• Other spends of Rs.50,000 = 1,667 RP
Thus, the total Reward Points for the example would be 8,333 RP. This will be posted in the card account.
• Accelerated 5X Reward Points on Business Essential spends is capped at 7,500 RP per statement cycle. (excluding Wallet Load spends)