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How do we check monthly average balance in HDFC Bank?


TF Premier

I've been trying to check monthly average balance for quite a while now, and for some reason I'm not able to get any option in HDFC Bank Mobile app or its NetBanking. Any place where I'm missing? Or HDFC Bank shows monthly average balance at all?


I've been trying to check monthly average balance for quite a while now, and for some reason I'm not able to get any option in HDFC Bank Mobile app or its NetBanking. Any place where I'm missing? Or HDFC Bank shows monthly average balance at all?

In net banking, mobile app

Currently for new young customers they are not charging I.e no mab

I've been trying to check monthly average balance for quite a while now, and for some reason I'm not able to get any option in HDFC Bank Mobile app or its NetBanking. Any place where I'm missing? Or HDFC Bank shows monthly average balance at all?

1. Login to net banking
2. Click on account number

1. Login
2. Account summary
3. Expand total available balance. |>
4. Click on account number
How would I possible know what my balance is everyday of the year to calculate? And doing it for 336 days, seems too much work.
I thought you want to know for a particular month like Previous Month.

End of the day balance is available in statement.

You just need to waste 30 minutes for calculating AMB of 12 months.
And another 5-10 minutes to download required statements
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@Rohith_Kumar_Sp brother, of your looking for account upgrade, don't need to check for whole year, Bansal bhai wala method is fine there.
For whole year - AYB would be there, but nobody tracks it.
if you still want it, call you RM or phone banking agent.
apparently this type of fuddu work is what RMs are best at
😂😂😂Correct use of RM defined by @saucy

Insurance Poilcy❌
Credit Card❌
To find AMB✅
Is this some offer or something? I'm seeing 0 required MAB from past 3 months or so. And also I don't mean that one, I mean my average balance for a month. Weird we can't see in HDFC Bank
Several it shows 0 only.

I opted digi savings ac I.e 5k ac.

I didn't maintained 5k on Average in a both, at they didn't charged any fee.
Several it shows 0 only.

I opted digi savings ac I.e 5k ac.

I didn't maintained 5k on Average in a both, at they didn't charged any fee.
I'm holding a SavingsMax account with them, and just yesterday I had withdrew 3k which got my balance to like 23k, deposited those 3k in an hour or two making my balance once again over 25k. I worried my MAB might fall under 25k for this month and here you're telling they didn't charge you anything!

BTW I heard day's end balance is considered for the day, is it true? So like if I take out money in the daytime and by evening deposit back, I should be fine
I'm holding a SavingsMax account with them, and just yesterday I had withdrew 3k which got my balance to like 23k, deposited those 3k in an hour or two making my balance once again over 25k. I worried my MAB might fall under 25k for this month and here you're telling they didn't charge you anything!

BTW I heard day's end balance is considered for the day, is it true? So like if I take out money in the daytime and by evening deposit back, I should be fine
Hdfc still follows old aged method.

Only day end I.e 23:59 balance will be considered as average balance of the day. Even the hdfc says this type method only to calculate mab.

You are max ac, once ask rm
What is the new age method to calculate AMB ? Explain (20 Marks)
In the old method, whole average day balance are not considered.

In New method, mab is average of whole average day balance of days of a month.

Hour, minutes, milliseconds balance are also considered.

For example federal neo banking jupiter, considers hourly balance.