TF Premier
Recently, IDFC introduced reward redemption fee of 99+GST which comes around Rs:117/- for every redemption. Even charges apply when using "Pay with points too".
This card gives from 0.75% to 2.5% as rewards. After applying the fee, it's become almost a percent less, like 1.5% (max.). This cashback is already provided by Axis Flipkart as cashback or Standard Chartered Smart, as flat 2% cashback without any issues.
Lets take an example of IDFC Wealth card which provides max cashback.
Say,we spend 4L per year in this card equally per month, which comes around =Rs:33333/- per month.For easy calc, assume all are online spends
30000 -- 3000* 6 =1800
3300 -- 33*10 = 330
So, total of 2130 points in month which translates to 25560 points in a year, worth 6390 cashback.
Now when we add 117 as fee , it'll be 6273.
6273/4L = 1.56% .. (After spending 4L,we are getting 1.56%..If i spend this much , i'll get 8000 in SCB Smart, 32000 points in Amex MRCC (~Rs:12160) )
As spends increases percentage amount increase.. So, i am not sure how this card beneficial ?. I am not only taking about this card..All cards which charges reward redemption fees?.. Further IDFC doesn't have any spend based reward offers too..comes less frequently like once a year..
Any views or am i miss something?
This card gives from 0.75% to 2.5% as rewards. After applying the fee, it's become almost a percent less, like 1.5% (max.). This cashback is already provided by Axis Flipkart as cashback or Standard Chartered Smart, as flat 2% cashback without any issues.
Lets take an example of IDFC Wealth card which provides max cashback.
Say,we spend 4L per year in this card equally per month, which comes around =Rs:33333/- per month.For easy calc, assume all are online spends
30000 -- 3000* 6 =1800
3300 -- 33*10 = 330
So, total of 2130 points in month which translates to 25560 points in a year, worth 6390 cashback.
Now when we add 117 as fee , it'll be 6273.
6273/4L = 1.56% .. (After spending 4L,we are getting 1.56%..If i spend this much , i'll get 8000 in SCB Smart, 32000 points in Amex MRCC (~Rs:12160) )
As spends increases percentage amount increase.. So, i am not sure how this card beneficial ?. I am not only taking about this card..All cards which charges reward redemption fees?.. Further IDFC doesn't have any spend based reward offers too..comes less frequently like once a year..
Any views or am i miss something?