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I am finding this website confusing to use :(


TF Buzz
I've been an active member of the CreditCardsIndia subreddit, but navigating the TechnoFino website has proven a bit challenging for me. With its numerous sections, subsections, and threads, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

My main objective is to stay updated, engage in discussions, and exchange tips, tricks, and updates related to the credit cards I own, while also staying informed about major credit card news.

Could anyone provide a straightforward approach to using this website effectively? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I've been an active member of the CreditCardsIndia subreddit, but navigating the TechnoFino website has proven a bit challenging for me. With its numerous sections, subsections, and threads, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

My main objective is to stay updated, engage in discussions, and exchange tips, tricks, and updates related to the credit cards I own, while also staying informed about major credit card news.

Could anyone provide a straightforward approach to using this website effectively? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Just use the What’s New button
Hit this and enjoy... ( whats New button) ...


Just like anything else ..practice...makes you better.

Don't get stressed out ...


Riya Sharma

TF Ace
VIP Lounge
I've been an active member of the CreditCardsIndia subreddit, but navigating the TechnoFino website has proven a bit challenging for me. With its numerous sections, subsections, and threads, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

My main objective is to stay updated, engage in discussions, and exchange tips, tricks, and updates related to the credit cards I own, while also staying informed about major credit card news.

Could anyone provide a straightforward approach to using this website effectively? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Just use the What’s New button


TF Pioneer
VIP Lounge
I've been an active member of the CreditCardsIndia subreddit, but navigating the TechnoFino website has proven a bit challenging for me. With its numerous sections, subsections, and threads, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

My main objective is to stay updated, engage in discussions, and exchange tips, tricks, and updates related to the credit cards I own, while also staying informed about major credit card news.

Could anyone provide a straightforward approach to using this website effectively? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Just use the What’s New button
Hit this and enjoy... ( whats New button) ...


Just like anything else ..practice...makes you better.

Don't get stressed out ...

Just think this way, we are now ~32k people strong community..
How is this possible if it is too difficult to use??

Start using in the what's new scetion and participate in the discussions and you will get hang of it and will become a pro in no time...
Last edited:


TF Buzz
VIP Lounge
I am a month old user. I too found this site difficult to navigate until this week.
Have been going through all forums, threads.
I think there are too many categories.
It should take about a month or so to feel reasonably comfortable.
The 'New posts' button helps.


TF Premier
Navigating TechnoFino effectively, especially if you're familiar with Reddit but new to forums, can be a bit daunting. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the most out of TechnoFino for staying updated on credit cards:

1. Understanding the Structure

Forums and Categories:

  • TechnoFino is organized into forums and categories, each focusing on different aspects of credit cards and finance.
  • Major sections might include General Discussions, Credit Card Reviews, Offers and Promotions, and News & Updates.
  • Each category can have multiple subsections or threads where specific topics are discussed.

2. Finding Relevant Categories

Start by identifying the categories that align with your interests:

  • General Discussions: For broad topics and community discussions about credit cards.
  • Card Reviews and Comparisons: To read and write reviews or compare different cards.
  • Offers and Deals: Stay updated on the latest promotions and deals on credit cards.
  • News: For the latest updates and major news in the credit card industry.

3. Using the Search Function

  • Use the search bar at the top of the website to quickly find threads or topics related to specific cards or issues.
  • Search by keywords like the name of your credit card, specific benefits, or common questions (e.g., "HDFC credit card offers").

4. Participating in Discussions

  • Join and Participate: After finding a thread of interest, you can read through the posts and participate by replying or starting a new thread.
  • Start New Threads: If you have a question or want to share information, you can start your own thread in the relevant category.
  • Stay Engaged: Regularly check back on your posts and threads to follow up on replies and engage in ongoing discussions.

5. Staying Updated

  • Subscribe to Threads: You can subscribe to threads that interest you. This will notify you of new posts or updates in that thread.
  • Follow Categories: Many forums allow you to follow entire categories to get updates on new threads and discussions.
  • Notifications: Set up your notification preferences to receive alerts for new posts, replies, and messages.

6. Interacting with Content

  • Like and Share: Use the like or thumbs-up features to show appreciation for helpful posts.
  • Bookmarking: Bookmark threads that you find particularly useful for easy access later.
  • Private Messaging: Connect directly with other users through private messaging for more detailed exchanges.

7. Utilize Community Resources

  • Guides and FAQs: Look for pinned posts or guides often found at the top of categories, which can provide valuable insights and frequently asked questions.
  • Moderators: Don’t hesitate to reach out to moderators for help navigating the site or understanding its features.

8. Advanced Tips

  • Search by User: If you find someone particularly knowledgeable, you can search for posts by that user to follow their advice.
  • Engage in Polls: Participate in community polls to share your opinion and see what others think.
  • Regular Check-ins: Visit the forum regularly to stay on top of new posts and discussions, especially in fast-moving categories.

9. Mobile Accessibility

  • If you prefer accessing forums on the go, check if TechnoFino has a mobile app or a mobile-friendly site version to stay engaged even when you’re not at your computer.

10. Integrating with Other Platforms

  • Cross-reference: Use information from TechnoFino along with your CreditCardsIndia subreddit participation. Sometimes discussions in one platform can complement the other.

By familiarizing yourself with the layout and features of TechnoFino, you can leverage the platform to enhance your knowledge and participation in credit card discussions effectively. Don’t hesitate to explore and make use of all the tools and resources the site offers!

GPT Bhaiya ne bola hai yeh sab.


TF Buzz
Hit this and enjoy...


Just like anything else ..practice...makes you better.
Don't get stressed out ...
Just think this way, we are now ~32k people strong community..
How is this possible if it is too difficult to use??
thanks! doing this and its kind of just feels like reddit now with summary of all the new/hot posts.
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Reactions: SSV


TF Ace
I've been an active member of the CreditCardsIndia subreddit, but navigating the TechnoFino website has proven a bit challenging for me. With its numerous sections, subsections, and threads, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

My main objective is to stay updated, engage in discussions, and exchange tips, tricks, and updates related to the credit cards I own, while also staying informed about major credit card news.

Could anyone provide a straightforward approach to using this website effectively? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
TF is like stack of hay... So many threads and sub threads on same topics... Almost impossible to keep track...
Just keep looking for latest threads and profile posts 🧐


TF Premier
TF is like stack of hay... So many threads and sub threads on same topics... Almost impossible to keep track...
Just keep looking for latest threads and profile posts 🧐

No , really, Thats the point of a discussion forum, you don't "have" to keep track of it. (Well you can, if you enable Watch, with notifications).
There is no algorithm to help you find interesting topics/thread. You find it yourself.


TF Premier
VIP Lounge
I actually prefer this forum experience to places like reddit because it feels nostalgic to the days when I used to be a regular on other forums during school / college days. Its a more organic experience than social media and it always feels like there's something to explore plus the option to search if you are looking for something in particular
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TF Legend
Truly said op
Even I got puzzled when I first joined the tf community
I would suggest to just refresh the home page often to know the latest threads here
Or u can click on three lines and then on what's new column to know the latest updates

I believe that in just 4-5 days u will know a lot of our community 😉

Even I sometimes got amazed with new areas on this website

Also as I see u are tf buzz that means ur new here
I would advice/suggest u to not to get addicted here (ifykyk)

Lastly welcome to the club😁😀❣️😎🥳

Also u can ping any of us in case u need help /or have some doubt

For ping

Use @ankiiiii like that


TF Buzz
I also wanted to understand some of the rules. The welcome e-mail said I cannot post to anything other than the new members forum (although can reply to existing), but everything is moderated until I reach Buzz status - which makes sense. But I am assuming that instead of creating a new thread for something that already exists, I am allowed to reply using the text box at the bottom? Is that correct? This forum is by far the best I have seen online on Personal Finance in India and I have been a passive reader for a few months now until I decided to join and contribute my bit.