22 years of cc history will already be reflected in your credit score. So even if you close any card this will not make any effect to your credit score. Now making your card lifetime free, icici will never do this until you are using any kind of icici credit card on your account. So, if you want lifetime free icici credit card there is a sureshot method which I have seen and tried for many of my and my friends accounts. You need to close all icici credit cards on your account. Within 1-2 months you will automatically get the lifetime free credit card offer on your account. Depending on your current limit you will be offered Coral, Rubyx or Sapphiro. My mother got sapphiro, my wife also got sapphiro, one of friend got rubyx, my sister in law got rubyx. All you need to do is close all icici credit card on your account and wait for 1-2 month. If your current limit is above 5 lakh then you will get sapphiro. My wife's amazon cc limit was 12 lk. I asked icici customer care and bank official to give me lifetime free upgrade to sapphiro they told me that you need to maintain 50 lk TRV in your savings account which was not a feasible option. And i made multiple requests for more than 1 year to upgrade but nothing happened. But within 40 days after closing all the cards on my wife's account, she got lifetime free sapphiro. This is sureshot method.