10x is after 50k spends.can someone do the math here for a payment of 80k at unipay done via wealth debit card.
I am having a hard time checking my statement and I was talking to a friend abt this. My guess is
Base points - 4 points per 150 right? So, 2134 points base for 80k payment?
10x points for wealth card means 10 pts per 100 - so 8000 pts for 80k payment right?
So total 2134+8000 = 10,134, is this math correct?
So till 50k - you get 1333.33 RP
After 50k(meaning for pending 30k) you get 10x - 3000 points.
Total - 4333.33 points.
If you see in activity, you will see they distribute the transactions as I mentioned above.