This is how I see the things going forward.
Everyone / most of us will be moved to New Regime..
This option will only be a temporary thing.
How they make us move to new regime is yet to be seen..
1) They either make new tax regime very attracitve or
2) They make the old regime more penalizing.( or less beneficial)
So, people will automaticaly choose the new tax regime..
Currently we are in tranisition period..
Another big news is:
They are totally revamping the Income tax act 1961.. They are rewriting the whole income tax act.. It is in the works as of now..
Very soon , Income tax Act 1961 will be replaced with brand new Income Tax Act iwth brand new chapters .. If not the coming year, the year after , you will see the brand new simplified Income tax act(compared to now) ..... Lets see what happens..
All the best..