1) consistent
Please come with a
consistent card. Don't give a feature which you cant sustain.
Simple is boring and boring is beautiful.
Same thing applies for
design, I don't care if it comes in potty color unless it gives benefits too!
For reference- The most consistent, no nonsense card in India is icici Amazon card.
2) Slabs
Choose your
audience, Don't try to come up with 1 fit for all.
Most premium users don't take co branded cards unless backed by important entity(subjective)(eg - APay, Axis FK, HDFC Neu)
Hence, if you are going for masses then please don't waste your resources by catering for premium users.
Also, if your card is not travel centric, please avoid lounge access, utilize money somewhere else. Same goes for rent payment...
3) Network - Rupay is must for next 2-3 years.
4) Rewards/Cashback
If you can give cashback then please give cashback, points 5x/10x/4x means nothing!
I avoid transaction on cards where it's confusing to know the return value. Give less but have clarity fake marketing things based on consumer psychology does not work in post-covid era.
But users expact atleast 1%-1.5% cashback rates.
Try to have at least 2 cards(variants) or more , keep one LTF/Conditional LTF
Others Paid with extra Features, at least it will expand your network
6) Approval
clear approval reason instead of vague terms like - "internal policies" . Unnecessary bad mouthing won't help you.
7) Spend criteria
Please either ask premium or ask for spends, please don't do both
8) Utility spends
Make this section rewarding so that users are bound psychology to use card every moth
P.S.- @ParthagorasMAx Please pin your home address or other core team member's address / phone numbers here, so that one of us, can haunt you in future, if after such creative inputs... you come up with a card that makes us wonder- if 1 extra cibil hit is worth it or not! 👼