@TechnoFino and @moderators, Please bring this to Technofino's attention. Don't report, please. I do not like reporting-based attention. It's more like doing crime to get some attention/news coverage.
I think Colour coding of username is a good idea if it follows a recognisable pattern. like..
-10,000 points+ or Mods (irrespective of points)= Blue
-3000 - 10,000 points = Red
-1000 - 3000 points = Orange/ Green
-300 - 1000 points = Purple
-below 300 points = Black
Use 2nd identifier like an Underlining username for RML members. Italics for something else.
Use 3rd identifier like Encircling with lights (that u are testing currently) to express their reputation/ authenticity/ professional experiences etc. in a clubbed manner. Like...
-Verified Bankar/ca/experts (real experts, not like me) - Blue glow.
-Unverified experts who share their knowledge regularly, has created 30+
genuine informative threads (not Que only, or statement only) - Red glow
-He has not proven his expertise yet, but sharing his experiences regularly, has created 15+genuine threads - Yellow/ Orange glow
-No (or negligible) bad remarks, good guys, good reputation score (30+) - Green/other colour glow
Others - None
You can use a fourth identifier (if needed), such as font types for usernames, which can be used differently.
Also, please do some revaluation/devaluation and adjustments of points, like points based on post word count and types of smiley... like he he, ha ha, etc., should get lower (negligible) weightage than lovely, thanks, 'like,' etc.
Introduce a smiley like 'pass' (zero points) to say, "I (members) have seen it."
Creating a thread (with minimum word count) should get more points e.g., 10-50.
As always, these are just suggestions. Thank you.