TF Pioneer
Karnataka bank launch RuPay KBL Genius Debit Card:
Karnataka Bank Empowers Students with Innovative KBL Peak Education Loan and
KBL Genius Integrated Savings Account
Education Loans Up to ₹2 Crores
Savings Account with Free Cyber Insurance.
"With the KBL PEAK Education Loan and KBL GENIUS Savings Account, Karnataka Bank aims to help students pursue their academic goals and aspirations with financial freedom, contributing to a brighter future for both individuals and the nation."
Unique features like cyber insurance, International RuPay Debit Card with lounge benefits and protection to parents when loans are taken reflects pragmatic value-based approach in line with changing times.

Karnataka Bank Empowers Students with Innovative KBL Peak Education Loan and
KBL Genius Integrated Savings Account
Education Loans Up to ₹2 Crores
Savings Account with Free Cyber Insurance.
"With the KBL PEAK Education Loan and KBL GENIUS Savings Account, Karnataka Bank aims to help students pursue their academic goals and aspirations with financial freedom, contributing to a brighter future for both individuals and the nation."
Unique features like cyber insurance, International RuPay Debit Card with lounge benefits and protection to parents when loans are taken reflects pragmatic value-based approach in line with changing times.